This dish is not only easy it tastes utterly delicious, it's filling and so so healthy!
Serves two - but amounts can easily be changed for a dinner party, or just for one and can be eaten warm or cold.
2 x Fillets of Cod
1 x Handful of skinny green beans
15 x pods of fresh peas - shelled
8 x pods of broad beans - shelled
Half a leek, preferably the green end
Leaves from 2 x fresh sprigs of mint chopped
Olive oil
I clove garlic
2 x pinches of dried chili flakes
2 x caps of Apple cider vinegar
2 x pinches of pink salt
Option - 10 x small new potatoes
Wrap the cod fillets in grease proof paper with no oil or seasoning. Heat a steamer pan once hot place all the broad beans in the steamer alongside the parcels of fish. After 5 minutes remove the broad beans and allow to cool - later remove the skins revealing bright green beans inside.
Steam the fish for a further 8 minutes.
Prepare dressing - place 2 x tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil in a bowl and add two capfuls of apple cider vinegar. you need to whisk this mixture so it thickens. Add the chili flake and pink salt.
The timing is important for cooking the greens - it is very quick, but can easily over cook so
prepare everything first. Remove the fresh peas from their pods, slice the leek into fine strips, cut the green beans into 3 slicing at an angle. Boil a very small amount of water in small pan (so the steam will cook all the greens as it evaporates) place the broad beans, peas and green beans in the pan and cook for 2 minutes, then add the leek at last moment to heat and go soft.
Remove and strain all water, add the broad beans from earlier. Add the chopped mint and slice open the garlic clove - mix it around in the greens and remove so the flavour stays subtle.
Set aside - you can keep warm or allow to cool.
To serve place all the greens on the plate and put the cod on top (you can flake this apart or keep whole) drizzle all the dressing over the fish and it will filter onto the greens.
The simple fresh flavours deserve your fullest attention - it is a truly delicious taste as the flavours of the pulses are exquisite with the cod and seasoned olive oil.
Health benefits:
High in lean protein, fibre, vitamins, minerals,
antioxidants and phytonutrients and a small
amount of carbohydrates.

This dish is easy to digest and filling at the same time.
Perfect for those that want to detox their system, lose weight or eat more healthily.
Option: If you would like it to be a bit more substantial - add steamed new potatoes sliced and mixed in with the greens.