Try this quick easy recipe for a delicious health boosting summer recipe.

I say easy because you can make this with ready cooked antipasti red peppers. Most supermarkets sell these. I decided to try red pepper instead of tomato because I get a bit sensitive to consuming a lot of tomatoes, as do many people. Tomatoes are high in histamine and can add to your histamine load and increase inflammation in joints, bladder and gut. Excessive citrus can also cause inflammation.
You can roast red peppers yourself and remove skin.
You can make these for yourself or as summer starters.
Ingredients for 6 small portions:
1 large jar of roasted red peppers, or 3 large red peppers roasted, and skins removed.
1 large tomato
A few large chunks of peeled cucumber
Quarter of a raw garlic clove
Extra Virgin Olive oil or Avocado oil
10 Fresh Basil leaves
Small squeeze of fresh lemon juice
Pinch pink salt
Pinch ground white pepper
Garnish: Micro greens and drizzle of oil
Add all the ingredients except microgreens to the blender.
Poor into something nice and serve with a few microgreens and a drizzle of oil.
Delicious as a starter
Health benefits: Packed with antioxidants to support skin, eyes and immune function. Raw garlic is antimicrobial and good for gut and oral health. Detoxifying and cleansing.