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The foundation of health is profoundly affected by the health and diversity of your gut microbiome.


We should view ourselves as “super-organisms” – a human ecosystem, inseparable and interdependent with good bacteria in and all over the

body that benefit us and they need the right FOODS to thrive.


Our Microbiota fulfil many critical roles in human well-being:

-   Digestion, breakdown of indigestible fibre into important nutrients

-   Protection against harmful microbes

-   Immune system modulation (reducing inflammation and chronic health conditions) by communication with T-reg immune cells like a

    check point for invaders or food particles

-   Biotransformation of xenobiotics (neutralises toxins in our diet and environment)

-   Biofeedback to the brain – for example signalling when to produce more mucus to protect the gut wall or to absorb
    more nutrients or when to speed up
metabolism and loose weight.

-   Produce nutrients like Vitamin K and B Vitamins

-   Bifidobacterium produce GABA – this is now known to have a direct influence over digestive pain and discomfort by reducing vascular sensitivity

-   Good bacteria produce Short Chain Fatty Acids like ‘N-Butyrate’ the fuel that feeds and repairs the gut lining 
    neutralising damaged cells (cancer protective)


What is a healthy Microbiome?


-   Dominant strains of beneficial bacteria that out crowd undesirable microbes – for example Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium.

-   Diversity – having many different strains of beneficial bacteria ensures that fibre is broken down into a variety of nutrients that benefit the body.

-   Strong and healthy gut lining with tight junctions and thick mucus layer.

-   Resilience -  able to withstand day to day changes in diet, invaders, chemical assaults, medications and stress.

A diverse population is very important – we all have a different make up of beneficial bacteria species – but as long as there is balance then
we will benefit from their protection and the nutrients they produce


What is an unhealthy Microbiome?


Dysbiosis: ‘An imbalance between the types of organism present in a person's natural microflora, especially that of the gut’


-   Dominated by non-beneficial bacteria which produce toxins

-   Overgrowth of a pathogenic bacteria that causes ongoing health issues

-   Yeast overgrowth – (Candida) due to antibiotics, sugar and refined carbs in the diet

-   Parasitic infection – like H.Pylori, Giardia or Blastocystis Hominis, picked up when travelling or from poor hygiene on hands and foods 

-   May cause regular stomach upsets & digestive discomfort, even pain

-   Affects the health of other areas where bacteria is important: Vagina, Bladder, mouth and throat, nasal and sinus cavities, and can trigger asthmas, 
    hay fever and general sensitivities

-   The microbiome is no longer contained due to damaged gut lining - “Leaky Gut”

-   High fat and sugar diets exacerbate this toxic environment


General Health conditions that are associated with dysbiosis:

Lowered resistance to infections

General food sensitivities

Digestive discomfort


Loose stools

Tiredness and general fatigue

Skin rashes and eczema

Lack of vitality and energy


Bad breath

Gum problems


Food sensitivities / allergies



Recurring infections like cystitis and thrush

Other conditions that are thought to be connected to a

suboptimal gut microbiome are:



Hormone imbalances


Mental health

How do you know if your microbiome is healthy?

If you have recently taken or have a history of taking anti-biotics, consume regular alcohol and sugary foods then you need to consider modulating your diet and using supplements to reestablish healthy flora.


Your diet plays a huge role in modulating which bacteria grow - good or bad. There are 1000s of strains and trillions of foreign microbes that include beneficial, commensal and some pathogenic (not good for you) bacteria, yeasts, viruses and parasites.


Detailed questioning and review of your present dietary and lifestyle habits can give clues about what might be going on in your gut and changing diet can be an enormous help, but to be sure you can have a comprehensive stool analysis and
then a protocal can be followed to reset your microbiome.
This can really help withso many areas of health and well-being.

What goes on in the gut can affect what goes on in the

whole of the body - including the brain, therefore

can affect mental health.


Digestive Stool analysis looks at:


-  Diversity

-  Inflammation

-  Yeast /Candida

-  Bacterial imbalance

-  Infection

-  Parasites


-  Protein break down

-  Fat digestion

-  Fibre /SCFAs

-  Digestive Deficiencies

-  Metabolism

-  Immune activity

There are certain foods that you need in your diet and others that should be removed to support your microbiome. Fibre is one of the most important nutrients. Children with too much sugar in their diet and not enough probiotics and fibre may eventually suffer from nutrient deficiencies and sensitivities. It can also exacerbate asthma and eczema. Adults over years of poor dietary habits, medications and lifestyle will benefit hugely from resetting the microbiome to reduce toxicity and inflammation.
For more information on tests and protocols for a healthy microbiome enquire here


The diversity, health and resilience of your


Is the foundation of your health & well-being

Please be aware: The information and advice provided in this website is not a substitute for medical advice. If you are concerned about your health or have any symptoms you should see your GP/healthcare provider.


For more information or to book your personal Nutritional Therapy Consultation by contacting or call 07780 600 966

London, UK


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​© Sam Bourne 2018

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